Thank you for choosing to use our supplier relationship diagnostic tool. This app is free and you can use it an unlimited number of times. You will be asked to answer a set of questions under four headings; Culture & Behaviour, Capabilities, Operational and Commercial.

Once you have answered all questions you will be presented with a RAG status summary for each pillar where green means the relationship is healthy, red means there are some serious issues to address and amber means there are less serious issues.

This app is designed to give you an instant readout of the general health of a supplier relationship. For a more in depth analysis, or support to resolve any identified issues, please contact Accelerate Procurement . We are a team of Procurement professionals with an innovative outlook and a passion for building and maintaining healthy relationships. You'll enjoy working with us!

You are asked to enter an email address purely to identify you while you are using this tool. No information is captured or stored or used for benchmarking; once you leave the app, your email address, responses and RAG summary will be deleted. Accelerate Procurement is not able to view your responses and results either while you are using the tool, or afterwards